Undrafted Anniversary - April 8th


the list - honorable singles "A$AP ROCKY & NIGO"

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First on our list of honorable mentions is A$AP Rocky and Nigo with their single "Arya". We got this song on replay all day. Our favorite part of the album cover is the mask drip. 

Featured Artist(s): A$AP Rocky & Nigo's catchy morning piano rifts, upbeat tempo and slick rhymes, this single takes up a lot of airtime, and we ain't bothered. 

The Undrafted team has been bumping tunes since our birth back in 2016. It was the era of anticipated wait of iconic hits from albums like "Anti", "The Life of Pablo", "Views" and "Blonde". In another life, UTC might have been a record label. We've wanted to bring you a bimonthly playlist for a while now. Many of the songs highlighted you've heard before already but some will be fresh and clean. 

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